Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Oh, not good....

So yesterday, I realized I managed to forget to take my Releana in the morning. I didn't know if I should take an extra large dose at night to make up for it, but I decided to take the regular dose. I didn't know what effect it would have, but when I woke up this morning, I was 220.2, so I guess there's the answer.

And, I feel really awful right now. I don't think it's from being sick, although my throat is still absurdly sore, even with regular salt water treatments. (I can't use any lozenges, and I really kind of need some!). Anyway, I feel really unwell because of food.

This morning, I had to be up two hours earlier than usual to be at the college for final presentations from my students (instead of final exams). So I was really hungry, but those important 15 hours between the last meal and the first morning fruit of the next day hadn't passed. So I didn't eat. I had some plain tea, but no fruit. And then I got caught in the final presentations, and didn't get to eat for almost 4 hours after I got up. I ate my apple and felt really sick. Then I was an hour late, totally off schedule, to eat my lunch, which I felt like throwing up. I was all blood-sugar shaky, and headachey. I took an ibuprofen. I just had to force myself to eat my second apple, an hour and half late. And again, I'm so nauseated. My head feels dim, I can't really focus, and I have a headache. I'm not hungry in the least, but I feel nauseated, probably from not eating soon enough this morning. It's so bad, and of course, I have a lot of work to do!

Now that I think of it, maybe I didn't lose much weight this morning because I weighed myself before that 15 hour time period was up. Hmmm...

Anyway, aside from the first transition days, this is the first day I feel so unwell. Don't like it at all.

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