Monday, March 30, 2009

Day 5--Monday

226.8 this morning!

I can feel my clothes are looser today, and I can see that I'm getting smaller around my waist. I can see it in my face, too. I don't know why, but my skin feels smoother too. It's not bad.

Each day seems to get better in terms of hunger pangs, although I still get them. But my energy is getting better each day too. My mother was at the clinic in CA on Friday, and when I talked to her this weekend, she told me they said to take more vitamin B12 (I'm taking Cardio B, which is mainly B12). So I took a few extra of them yesterday, and I did get a jump in energy. It was actually kind of strange; I felt euphoric too. I kept having the weird and happy sensation that I could jump up and start running at any moment. (I don't normally feel like that, I can tell you!).

Yesterday I was at my knitting group and it was a lovely time. But our host had made incredible looking homemade shortbread cookies with melted chocolate frosting and chopped almonds on top. They looked so good! People were exclaiming as they were eating them. My mouth was watering and it was really hard to say no. I did pull out my apple at the scheduled time, and I ate that apple right down to the absolute core. I kept gnawing and gnawing. But I didn't cheat at all on my diet. I did cheat a bit in what I told people, though. These women are all my friends, but I still felt funny explaining the Releana thing, so I told them the "Cleanse" story. And it is true in a way; this really is a cleanse of my system. Maybe I'll work my way to the full truth at some point. We'll see.

I've been drinking cans of diet cherry Dr. Pepper, which I know is not healthy, but I can't help it! (There again, I'm saying it which then makes it true. I'm sure I could help it, but I'm just choosing not to.) In any case, ultimately I'm OK with the diet soda. At least for now....

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