Saturday, March 28, 2009

Third Day--Saturday

229.4 pounds. Wow.

I woke up feeling energized. I wasn't even hungry, and put off eating my first piece of fruit for 45 minutes. (I hope I didn't mess up the careful schedule!). I've actually felt pretty good all day so far, although I've had a few hunger pangs since I started this new blog. I decided I would blog about my Releana experience not only so I could keep track of it, but also as a way to examine what I'm thinking and feeling about this whole process. It's a big deal to seriously change your life, and really, it would be silly to go through all this if I wasn't serious about serious life change.

I drove an hour total this morning, and didn't feel light headed. I saw my chiropractor (hopefully weight loss will help keep me in alignment!). I also went shopping for more food (I'll run out midday tomorrow of the chicken and broccoli I prepped on Wednesday night). It was a bit strange to walk through the grocery store and not be able to buy anything but beef and cauliflower and oranges (I still have lots of apples). I'm trying to mix up what I eat so I get some micro-nutrient variety. I don't really love beef, but considering my options are chicken breast, beef, veal (no way!) or white fish (which won't keep well), I'm planning to go back and forth between beef and chicken, with a little fish thrown in now and then. Now I've just got to find time to weigh it, cook it, and pack it up in little serving containers.

I have plans with a fairly new friend to go for a walk, and I was worried that I wouldn't have the energy. But I feel pretty good so far. Hungry, but not as bad as yesterday. My energy is decent. Maybe I'll tell her what I'm doing, or maybe I'll just talk about it as a 'cleanse.' I don't know. I really don't know what I think and feel about telling people. Maybe it will become clearer to me as time goes on....

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