Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tuesday, March 31st

Woke up this morning at 225.2 and since I had tried to visualize myself down to the 224 range, of course I was disappointed. Which was silly, of course. This amount of weight loss, so quickly, is just amazing!

I took my students on a field trip today, and the drive as three hours total. I didn't feel tired or weak for driving. But I did get to the site late, and I didn't have time for lunch, which I had brought with me. So instead of skipping my meal (not good when you are on about 500 calories a day!), I ate my apple instead. So then I had two of my meals in a row later today. I can tell that I feel markedly less hungry tonight, and in fact, I almost feel full. I'm wondering what effect, if any, this is going to have on my weight tomorrow morning. I sneaked an extra weigh-in just now, and I was up more than three pounds from this morning (!!!) and that has freaked me out a little bit. I'm just going to go to bed and hope for the best.

I also realized today that the diet cherry Dr. Pepper I've been drinking like crazy has caffeine in it. That means that I've basically doubled or even tripled the amount of caffeine I've been taking in. No wonder I've been feeling energized!

I have a long a stressful day tomorrow and I'm a little worried about getting everything done. On top of it, my lower back is out of alignment and I really should go to the chiropractor, but that takes a full hour out of my day. I don't know if I can do it!

OK, before I go to bed, I'm going to visualize 224 pounds for tomorrow morning....

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